News & Events

A Natural Order of Living

Posted on Nov 18, 2020

Boys at Gregory the Great Academy discover Truth every living day. They wake to the sounds of nature and of man in harmony with nature: birdsong from an open window, a prefect’s call to Morning Prayer, the bustle of roommates readying themselves for the day. The natural world and their place in it is constantly present, never mediated by some electronic device.  . . . Read more

Experiential Learning

Posted on Oct 19, 2020

Experiential learning is the development of a habit of reflection as a student learns by doing. “Habit of reflection” is the operative term. The value of doing is enhanced and fostered when a boy wonders, when he asks questions. Reflection causes a student to be active in his own learning and to desire it because he wants his own questions answered.  . . . Read more

Reason or Imagination?

Posted on Oct 5, 2020

The vision of education that informs Gregory the Great Academy is both familiar and strange. Although this education is traditional, it sometimes disappoints the expectations by which traditional, classical education is judged in our day. At Gregory the Great Academy we seek to recover the eternal meaning behind educational methods so as to bring students […]

Opening Ceremony 2020

Posted on Sep 8, 2020

Good morning gentlemen and welcome back to Gregory the Great Academy! I want to begin this year by telling you all what I said to the faculty about a month ago. So I thank them in advance for listening to this twice. Given the constraints of this year of Covid-19, we are going to have […]