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Gregory the Great Academy is a boys’ boarding school devoted to Christian culture, the Liberal Arts, and classical tradition. We founded our joyful community with a handful of pioneering souls and a common will to succeed. At this critical time, we are calling for founders, people who share our pioneering spirit and who are willing to take a leap of faith with us for this profound mission. We ask you to take that leap, to help us secure this fortress for Truth, this battlement where boys will be formed into men and soldiers of Christ. Please join us and make a difference for our boys today and for the future of Catholic education. Thank you.

conley “The faculty of Gregory the Great Academy is on the front lines of a war over culture itself. They need us—all of us. It is only with our help, as we join them in participating in the grace of God, that they will carry on and develop their mission to educate a new generation of soldiers for Christ.”

The Most Rev. James D. Conley, D.D., S.T.L.
Bishop of the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska

anderson“Gregory the Great Academy is both a ‘classic’ sort of boarding school for boys and a bold experiment in education. Its unique way of inspiring the practice of Catholic piety, while cultivating manly virtues in the students, makes it stand out from other institutions in America and Europe.”

Br. Philip Anderson, O.S.B.
Abbot of Clear Creek Abbey, Oklahoma

hahn“Thank God for Gregory the Great Academy. It is a true school—a place where a boy can become a man with fire in his heart for the truth and the joy to be a witness to that truth. Gregory the Great Academy is an answer to so many prayers, including mine.”

Scott Hahn, Ph.D.
Professor of Theology, Franciscan University