Admissions – Traditional Catholic Boys Boarding School

Catholic school boys at the traditional Catholic boarding school Gregory the Great kneel in a pew at Mass.

Gregory the Great Academy is a private boys’ boarding school, offering a Liberal Arts education in the Catholic tradition. We offer a rigorous, but not burdensome, classical education for boys in grades nine through twelve who want to accept the challenge of living a full and ordered life of intellectual, physical, and spiritual growth.

Our education is demanding, but it is also joyful because we realize that the deepest spring of human growth is Divine Charity, which is the spirit of poetry, music, and song. If your son wishes to grow in knowledge of the Faith, to study the classic stories of the West and recite its poetry, to gain strength and coordination through athletics and juggling, and to pray and worship according to the rhythms of the Church’s liturgy, please fill out the form below. You will soon receive a phone call from our admissions office, and receive our application form. You may also download our application by clicking on the link below.

Gregory the Great Academy has been successful in forming boys with a wide range of backgrounds and abilities. This is largely due to small class sizes, a familial community, and the willingness of boys to work hard and achieve. Gregory the Great Academy is not a reform school and is not equipped to meet the needs of boys with a history of major academic or disciplinary problems.

Download an application form today.

For more information, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.

To contact the admissions office, please use the form below.

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    Your Son's Current Grade (required)

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    Gregory the Great Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in admissions or in the administration of its educational policies or in school administered programs.